Fresh Ideas For Better Meetings
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Fresh Ideas For Better Meetings
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No More Boring Team Meetings!
How The Modules Work
The Better Meetings resource pack is a collection of standalone activities you can run with your team. Each has a one-page leader's guide for you to read beforehand and then other resources to use in the meeting itself.
Each module is completely standalone and independent of the others. So you can do them in any order, and repeat them if you wish.
They have all been designed to work with your team either in person or with online meetings.
Better Meetings Chatbot
The Better Meetings resource pack can be difficult to navigate. That's why I've included an AI assistant to recommend the most relevant Better Meetings modules for your business.
To access the AI chatbor, simply click on the cream question mark icon displayed in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen.
Follow the prompts to find the module with the most value for you!
Adapting The Modules
If you read the instructions for each of the modules, you will see they have all been designed for this "standard" format:
- Everybody physically in the same room
- The group is big enough to split into small groups for part of the activity
- You have about 20-30 minutes for the activity
But what if you want to run this as an online meeting? Or the group is so small it doesn't make sense to break them up into smaller groups? Or you want to run this is a quick 10-minute activity in a larger meeting?
No problem! Watch this video for hints and tips on varying the format.
AI Resources
There are some AI-specific modules in the Better Meetings package. Here are some of Gihan's other AI-related resources - and some tips on using them with your team.
Note: Because the AI space is changing rapidly, some of this content might be out of date by the time you view it. So do your own due diligence carefully before using it.
Gihan's regular blog has many posts on AI-related topics - both in text and video form. An easy way to use this for your team meetings is to find one that's relevant to you, play the video to your team, and then lead a discussion about it. Some of the posts also have worksheets to download and share with the team.
In addition to private online masterclasses for clients, Gihan also presents regular public online presentations, and many of them are about AI. Recordings of past sessions are available here. To use this for your team meetings, find one that's relevant to you, find specific segments you want to share with the team, and play these segments to your team, and lead a discussion around them.
Need More Help?
If you have any questions, email me at gihan@gihanperera.com and I'll be glad to help.
If you want to chat by phone, you can see my calendar here and schedule a time that suits you.
All the best in running better meetings!